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Adrienn Jones

Lead Consultant


My Story

Hi I’m Adrienn and welcome to a world of amazing home fragrance! I live in the UK with my partner and my two gorgeous kids. I was raised in South Africa and moved to the UK when I was 23. I discovered Scentsy in the Gym changing room where my now friend Joanne Jolly had left some samples for people to try, I was instantly hooked on the fragrance and needed more. I bought my first warmer from Jo and when I was on Maternity leave with my second child decided to start my own business to keep me sane. I have met loads of new friends and I have become a part of the amazing Scentsy family and I now have something that defines me as a person where I can be me and not just Gwen and Seb’s mom. Also I get a second pay day each month, discount off all these amazing products and the chance to earn trips away! How amazing is that! Click on Join for more info you won’t regret it xx

My Favourite Scents